You’ve got lots of choices when it comes to purchasing Auto insurance. The key is making sure you have the right coverage with the right limits and deductibles. You don’t necessarily get that this without the help of an experienced agent. In addition, Florida is looking to make some major changes in the Auto insurance market, which can impact your coverage.
First Choice Insurance of America will review your policy, let you know if you’ve got the right mix of coverages at a competitive price and whether we can improve up on your current plan. We’ll also let you know what the legislative changes in Florida, if passed, will mean for your insurance program.
An Auto insurance policy can be designed to provide the following coverages:
If you have a new vehicle with sophisticated, high-tech equipment, it’s important to have the right deductibles in place, as this equipment is expensive to replace in the event it gets damaged in an accident. For example, while repairing a smashed bumper on a typical car can run from $300 to $700, a damaged bumper that’s fitted with safety-system sensors can cost anywhere from $1,000 to $2,500 to fix.
Towing and Rental Reimbursement coverages are also available.
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